Table of contents

Ongoing Projects

AddEus (Additive manufacturing as a game changer for future-oriented electrochemical energy conversion and storage)


In the project "AddEus", the Chair of Physical Chemistry and the Chair of Structural and Functional Ceramics at Montanuniversitaet Leoben are working together with Lithoz GmbH on new methods for the production and characterization of solid oxide fuel cells and electrolysis cells. The focus of the project is on the development of innovative manufacturing methods and novel materials for a paradigm shift in cell design, which contribute to increasing power density, reliability and service life, reducing manufacturing costs and dependence from critical raw materials.

Duration: 01.01.2025 - 31.12.2027

Persons involved

Project leader: Edith Bucher

Project staff: Andreas Egger, Sayan Chattopadhyay


  • Chair of Structural and Functional Ceramics, Montanuniversitaet Leoben
  • Lithoz GmbH


Solid oxide fuel cells and electrolysis cells are manufactured according to the state-of-the-art from two porous electrodes, a gas-tight electrolyte and a diffusion barrier. The state-of-the-art methods for manufacturing the layers (thicknesses in the 10-500 µm range) and the cells are screen printing, tape casting and conventional sintering. This conventional cell production currently results in a number of critical factors that limit the performance and long-term stability of the cells and thus prevent broad market introduction. 
By researching new manufacturing technologies − such as tape casting of multi-materials, lithography-based 3D printing, new sintering technologies, and new electrode materials without critical raw materials − in the planned project, these critical factors can be eliminated. The aim is to implement a paradigm shift in cell design and cell production. This ambitious goal is addressed by the cooperation of the three project partners, who are proven experts with many years of experience in their respective project-relevant research fields.
The project contributes in particular to the tender priority 1 - Energy efficiency in energy conversion. As a result of the development of future-oriented energy technologies, a significant contribution will be made to environmental and climate protection and to the reduction of CO2 emissions. The competitiveness and competence leadership of all partners are clearly strengthened by these innovation-driven project goals. This has a positive impact on Austria as a business location and the achievement of climate neutrality in Austria by 2040 at the latest.

Financial support by the Klima- und Energiefonds within the Call "Energieforschung 2023" is gratefully acknowledged.

Design-SOEC (Knowledge-based design of solid oxide electrolysis cells for optimized hydrogen production)


In the project "Design-SOEC", Montanuniversitaet Leoben, Materials Center Leoben Forschung GmbH and AVL List GmbH are working on the development of a knowledge-based design approach for SOECs with optimized core components and improved reliability, energy efficiency and lifetime.

Duration: 01.04.2023 - 31.03.2026

Persons involved

Project leader: DI Dr. Edith Bucher

Project staff: Mehmet Aksoy, Andreas Egger, Sarah Eisbacher-Lubensky


  • Materials Center Leoben Forschung GmbH
  • AVL List GmbH


The storage of large amounts of surplus energy is a key factor in the energy transition due to the increasing share of electricity from renewable, sometimes highly fluctuating energy sources. However, with the current state of the art energy systems, electrical energy can only be stored to a limited extent. Therefore, new innovative storage technologies, such as electrolysis and/or power-to-gas, are necessary. High-temperature electrolysis cells (SOECs) represent one of the most efficient and sustainable technologies for converting electrical energy into hydrogen or synthesis gas. However, unlike other electrolysis technologies such as alkaline electrolysis, SOEC systems have yet to be widely commercialized.
The design approach for state of the art SOEC cells is heavily based on experimental studies. The results are typically used as the basis for material and microstructure variations to incrementally improve the cells. Although work on microstructural characterization of the cells, as well as modeling/simulation, is performed in addition to electrochemical characterization, the respective results are often in an isolated context, so that new knowledge is generated - but not utilized.
The motivation for the project "Design-SOEC" is the need for a new development approach for SOECs, which combines competences in electrode/cell preparation and electrochemical characterization with detailed microstructural analyses and comprehensive simulations.
The overall goal of the project is to develop a knowledge-based design approach for SOECs with optimized core components and improved reliability, energy efficiency and lifetime. In particular, the design approach should also enable the scalability of the results from studies on button cells to cells on an industrially relevant scale.

Financial support by the Klima- und Energiefonds within the 8th Call "Energieforschung" is gratefully acknowledged.

MateriaLyze (Knowledge-based material and morphology design for the next generation of high-temperature electrolysis cells for green hydrogen production)


In the project "MateriaLyze", Montanuniversitaet Leoben and Materials Center Leoben Forschung GmbH are researching fundamental relationships between material properties, morphology and electrochemistry of high-temperature electrolysis cells with a focus on the anode and the anode-electrolyte interface.

Duration: 01.03.2022 - 28.02.2025

Persons involved

Project leader: Edith Bucher

Project staff: Andreas Egger, Barbara Buxbaum, Patrick Pretschuh


  • Materials Center Leoben Forschung GmbH


High-temperature electrolysis cells represent one of the most efficient and sustainable future technologies for the conversion of electrical energy into green hydrogen. In the "MateriaLyze" project, Montanuniversitaet Leoben and Materials Center Leoben Forschung GmbH are researching fundamental relationships between material properties, morphology and electrochemistry of high-temperature electrolysis cells with a focus on the anode and the anode-electrolyte interface. In this context, competences in the field of material, electrode and cell preparation and electrochemical characterization are bundled with detailed microstructural analyses involving AI. The goal of the project is to develop a knowledge-based design approach for the next generation of high-temperature electrolytic cells with novel anode materials and optimized anode-electrolyte interface.

This project is funded by Zukunftsfonds Steiermark within the 14. Ausschreibung - NEXT GREEN TECH - Energy Systems, Green Hydrogen & Green Mobility.

Completed Projects

ProTec (Self-organised proton conducting composites for future energy technologies)


Within the project „ProTec“ the Chair of Physical Chemistry of Montanuniversitaet Leoben, the Centre for Electron Microscopy Graz and the Max-Planck-Institute for Solid State Research Stuttgart are investigating the synthesis and fundamental characterisation of proton- and electron conducting composites for future energy technologies.

Duration: 01.09.2019 - 31.08.2023

Persons involved

Project leader: Assoc.Prof. DI Dr. Edith Bucher

Project staff: Christina Nader, Andreas Egger, Werner Sitte


- Centre for Electron Microscopy Graz

- Max-Planck-Institute for Solid State Research, Stuttgart



The project ProTec aims at the synthesis of proton conducting composites and investigations of their fundamental material properties. New energy materials based on mixed proton-, oxygen ion- and electron-conducting ceramics (triple conducting oxides, TCOs) offer promising possibilities for future application in protonic ceramic fuel cells (PCFCs) and electrolyser cells (PCECs) or membranes for hydrogen separation. However, these technologies are still far from reaching commercialization status, which is mainly due to a research deficit in the fields of fundamental mass and charge transport properties as well as defect chemistry.

Within ProTec, TCO-composites will be synthesised and characterised. The common research efforts of the consortium are aimed at a deeper understanding of mass and charge transport properties, defect chemistry, and mechanisms of proton incorporation and oxygen reduction in self-organized ceramic composites. Based on this knowledge, structure-property relations are derived, which should allow for recommendations of new proton conducting composites with optimized properties for future energy technologies.


Financial support by the Klima- und Energiefonds within the program "Energieforschungsprogramm 2018" is gratefully acknowledged.

HYDROMETHA (Development of a stationary electricity storage system via high temperature co-electrolysis and catalytic methanation)


A fully integrated system of CO2+H2O high-temperature co-electrolysis (Co-SOEC) and catalytic methanation will be developed and tested in form of a 10kWel function carrier.

Persons involved

Project leader: DI Richard Schauperl (AVL)

Project leader part MUL-PC: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Werner Sitte

Project staff: Andreas Egger, Sarah Eisbacher-Lubensky, Edith Bucher, Werner Sitte

Project partners

- AVL-List GmbH

- Montanuniversität Leoben, Lehrstuhl für Verfahrenstechnik des industriellen Umweltschutzes

- Fraunhofer IKTS Dresden (DE)

- Energieinstitut an der JKU Linz

- Prozess Optimal CAP GmbH

- External Partners (per LOI): OMV, RAG, EVN, voestalpine, K1-MET

Period: 01/2018 - 02/2023


Power-to-Gas (PtG) represents a key technology for developing low-carbon energy systems with a high share of fluctuating electricity production from renewable sources, such as wind and solar, since renewable power can be stored in chemical energy carriers, typically in hydrogen or methane. These gases can be used as CO2 neutral fuels, or can be re-transformed to electricity when needed. Among others, the advantage of methane over hydrogen is the already widely existing infrastructure, since methane can be fed into natural gas networks or used as fuel for existing gas-fired power plants as well as natural gas vehicles.

The flagship project HYDROMETHA is a strongly horizontal and vertical integrated joint undertaking consisting of a development service provider (AVL List GmbH, coordinator), a fuel cell component manufacturer (Plansee SE), research institutes (Energieinstitut JKU, Fraunhofer IKTS, Montanuniversitaet Leoben) and the Austrian small businesses Repotec and Prozess Optimal. The flagship project HYDROMETHA will start centrally with a specification definition, followed by parallel development activities of the key technologies CO2+H2O Co-electrolysis with Solid Oxide Electrolyser Cells (Co-SOEC) and catalytic methanation. Then, these two key technologies will be coupled to a 10kWel functional unit and experimentally validated on a test rig.

The key targets of this system are as follows:

  • CO2+H2O Co-electrolysis with an overall system efficiency >90%, providing a highly efficient CO2 sink

  • Increasing the overall electrical Co-SOEC plus methanation efficiency compared to systems using low-temperature PEM electrolysis >30%

  • Increasing power densities of the Co-SOEC cells >100%

  • Dynamic operation of the methanation in a load range between 20% and 120%

  • Significantly improving heat management compared to systems without Co-SOEC, leading to a reduction of heat energy losses >50%

Additionally, a central motivation for the project is the establishment of a national and international value chain for Co-SOEC technologies. Five reputable associated industry partners will participate in the proposed project. This underlines the high ecological and economic relevance of the project, as well as the technology's potential for sustainable national and international energy systems. Furthermore, these partners will ensure a market oriented development from an early R&D state. In case of a successful project completion, OMV, RAG, EVN, voestalpine and K1-MET will participate in a scale-up to a pilot plant.


Financial support by the Klima- und Energiefonds within the program "Energieforschung 2016" is gratefully acknowledged.

ReFoxEnergie (Reversible solid oxide cells for electrochemical energy conversion and storage)


Within the project „ReFoxEnergie“ Montanuniversitaet Leoben (Chair of Physical Chemistry) and Graz Technical University (Institute of Thermal Engineering) investigate sustainable and efficient energy conversion and storage in solid oxide fuel cells and solid oxide electrolysis cells. The special focus of the project is on reversible solid oxide cells (RSOCs), which may on demand, convert the chemical energy of a fuel (e.g. hydrogen, methane, alcohols or diesel) into electrical energy, or store electrical energy in form of hydrogen, synthesis gas, or – coupled with methanation – methane. The aim is a deeper understanding of the electrochemical processes and degradation mechanisms of RSOCs in order to increase the performance and reliability for future applications.

Persons involved

Project leader: Assoc.Prof. DI Dr. Edith Bucher

Project staff: Andreas Egger, Sarah Eisbacher-Lubensky, Werner Sitte

Project partner

- Graz Technical University (Institute of Thermal Engineering)

Period : 03/2018 - 02/2022



The project „ReFoxEnergie“ investigates the next-generation technologies of solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) and solid oxide electrolysis cells (SOECs) for the sustainable supply and storage of environmentally benign energy with high efficiency. The focus is on the innovative combination of SOFCs and SOECs in reversible solid oxide cells (RSOCs), which may on demand, convert the chemical energy of a fuel into electrical energy (fuel cell mode), or store electrical energy in form of a chemical carrier (electrolysis mode). The combination of both technologies in a single system is of enormous advantage since the change between SOFC- and SOEC-operation modes is feasible within very short time scales. In addition, the cells show excellent efficiencies and high fuel flexibility. Apart from pure hydrogen, RSOCs may be operated with syngas and commercial energy carriers (methane, alcohols, diesel etc.). This is an enormous advantage over other fuel cell types, which are limited to highly pure hydrogen and may be operated only in fuel cell or only in electrolysis mode.

So far, very few studies on reversible solid oxide cells are available world-wide. Extensive basic research efforts are still needed in order to increase the efficiency and long-term stability of combined SOFC/SOEC-systems. Especially, the reversible operation of RSOC-systems represents new and additional challenges to materials development, testing equipment, data acquisition and analysis, which will be in the focus of the project. During reversible operation of SOFC/SOEC cells in the RSOC-mode, the insufficient long-term stability under application-relevant conditions is an especially critical factor, which currently limits the broad market introduction of this efficient and sustainable energy technology. Therefore, one of the major aims of the project is to gain a deeper understanding for the chemical and electrochemical processes of the cell degradation, and to use this knowledge to develop strategies for the prevention of cell degradation or even for the regeneration of the cells.


This project is funded by the Province of Styria within the "Zukunftsfonds Steiermark".

SOFC-SALT (Solid Oxide Fuel Cell – Stationary Accelerated Life Testing)


Experimental data for failure analysis of SOFC cells and stacks are generated for various application-relevant test conditions. Via (future) development and application of simulation tools, measurement and test systems, fundamentally new data shall be obtained that allows the estimation of meaningful acceleration factors for some of the most important failure modes of stationary SOFC operation.

Persons involved

Project leader: Dr. Vincent Lawlor (AVL)

Project leader part MUL: Assoc.Prof. Dr. Edith Bucher

Project staff: Andreas Egger, Peter Gsaxner, Martin Perz, Nina Schrödl, Werner Sitte


Project partners

- AVL-List GmbH

- TU Graz (Institut für Wärmetechnik)

- External Partner (per LOI): Fraunhofer IKTS Dresden (DE)

Period: 11/2016 - 08/2021


High temperature fuel cells (SOFCs) are an efficient and sustainable technology for reducing Austria's CO2 emissions while meeting its energy demands. For stationary SOFC systems there is a strong requirement for developments in order to increase the system's lifetime and reliability. This is a critical and unresolved theme, which prevented the broad market launch so far. Currently system integrators do not have the possibility of qualifying SOFC stack reliability and durability within their systems/products. The consortium is convinced that there is a strong research requirement for new methods that qualify the reliability and durability of SOFC stacks. Within the proposed research project, a new methodology shall be developed, which allows the statistical qualification of the most important failure modes of stationary SOFC stacks via meaningful acceleration factors. For this purpose, experimental data for the degradation of SOFC components, cells and stacks will be generated within this project for various, application-oriented test conditions. Via (future) development and application of simulation tools, measurement and test systems, fundamentally new data shall be obtained that allows the estimation of meaningful acceleration factors for some of the most important failure modes of stationary SOFC operation. Fundamental research from the academic partners is an essential factor for accomplishing this objective.

Montanuniversität Leoben will perform experimental, fundamental research oriented investigations of the long-term degradation of SOFC cathode materials and cathode-electrolyte interfaces. Furthermore, Montanuniversität Leoben will support the consortium by delivering results of electrochemical and kinetic measurements as well as performing post mortem analysis. At TU Graz, tests will be executed that will deliver new data of the stability of cells/stacks against (combined) poisoning reactions and mechanical strain under application-oriented conditions. IKTS will support in provision of the SOFC hardware and will cooperate as indicated in the LOI included in the Appendix.

Based on those research activities, AVL will integrate the data/insights gained into the development of the reliability- and durability diagnosis tools. This methodology, based on physical and engineering principles, shall be validated with a proof-of-concept reliability and durability test. Finally, the methodology for the electrochemical system monitoring and diagnosis shall contribute to practical and cost effective enhancements in the field of durability and reliability of stationary SOFC systems.

Financial support by the Klima- und Energiefonds within the program "Energieforschungsprogramm 2015" is gratefully acknowledged.

Hydrovation (Course on generation, storage, and application of hydrogen)


In Austria, no comprehensive education currently considers the generation, storage and application of hydrogen, as well as the future-potential of hydrogen technologies. State-of-the-art and new hydrogen technologies offer tremendous opportunities, for example in CO2-free steel production, mobility, reducing global warming and help cover the energy demand with renewable wind- and solar energy. The aim of the project was the design and implementation of a certified course for staff from industry, in cooperation of professors of the Montanunversitaet and TU Graz, as well as experts from research centers, and industry.

Persons involved

Chair of Physical Chemistry: Assoc.Prof. Dr. Edith Bucher, Univ.Prof. Dr. Werner Sitte, Dr. Andreas Egger

Project partners

  • Montanuniversitaet Leoben

  • TU Graz

  • synergesis, Ing. Herbert Wancura

  • Fronius International GmbH

  • Railway Competence and Certification GmbH

  • K1 met GmbH

  • T-Matix Solutions GmbH

  • ACstyria Autocluster GmbH

  • Q-Punkt

  • Mettop GmbH

  • HyCentA Research GmbH

  • voestalpine Stahl Donawitz GmbH

  • Böhler Bleche GmbH

  • FH Wels

  • MAGNA Steyr Engineering AG & Co. KG

Period: 01/2017 – 12/2018



In Austria, no comprehensive education currently considers the future-topic of hydrogen. Therefore, the Austrian Society for Society for Metallurgy and Materials (ASMET) joins the FFG 3rd Call for “Qualfizierungsnetzwerke” aiming to initialize a qualification-network “Hydrovation”. Besides ASMET, the project consortium comprises partners from enterprises and universities. Staff, sent by the consortium’s small,- medium-, and large-size enterprises, do have basic-knowledge in mechanical engineering, process engineering, materials engineering, ect., but no further knowledge in hydrogen-technologies.

The aim of the project is to design a comprehensive course, considering basics and application of hydrogen-technologies via 3 interconnected major parts, correspondent cross-sectional lectures and practical excursions. The focus is on the following major parts:

  • Innovative Hydrogen Production (PEM and High-Temperature Electrolysis)

  • Storages for Hydrogen (in Energy-Systems and Mobility Applications)

  • Application of Hydrogen (Mobility, Metallurgy, and Chemistry)

Cross-sectional lectures, relevant in all 3 major parts relate to safety- and material-issues with hydrogen. Professors from Montanuniversitaet Leoben and TU-Graz, as well as experts from industry provide the lectures in strong interaction with the courses participants. The course comprises 15 theoretical- and 4 practical units, one day each.

Within the theoretical units, designed as lectures, integrated discussions with the participants, for instance on case studies etc., are intensively provoked.

The practical education is done in small groups within the labs of Montanuniversitaet and TU-Graz. With the connection and interaction of practice and theory, understanding of future overall-systems for hydrogen should be gained.

The project-team considers gender-issues as highly important and therefore integrates these beyond FFG’s requirements.

This project was funded by „Österreichische Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft (FFG)“ / Bundesministerium für Digitalisierung und Wirtschaftsstandort“ within the framework of the program „Qualifizierungsnetze - 3. Ausschreibung“.

SENTECH (Rare earth nickelates for future energy technologies)


The aim of the project is a detailed understanding of the mass and charge transport properties, defect chemistry and oxygen/hydrogen exchange in new, substituted rare earth nickelates with regard to applications in future energy technologies.

Persons involved

Project leader: Assoz.Prof. Dr. Edith Bucher

Project staff: Christian Berger, Andreas Egger, Peter Gsaxner, Nina Schrödl, Werner Sitte 

Project partners

- Centre for electron microscopy, Graz

- Max-Planck-Institute for Solid State Research, Stuttgart

Period: 03/2016 - 08/2019


Oxide ceramics with high oxygen and proton conductivities, high electronic conductivity and high catalytic activity offer a range of future applications in the energy sector, like electrodes for high temperature fuel and electrolyser cells, ceramic membranes for selective oxygen or hydrogen separation, electrochemical oxygen or hydrogen sensors and heterogeneous catalysts. Rare earth nickelates An+1BnO3n+1 (A = La, Pr, Nd; B = Ni; n = 1,2,3 etc.) are among the materials with the highest diffusivities and ionic conductivities currently known, and show good electronic conductivities. Substitution of these compounds on the A- and B-lattice sites offers the opportunity of tailoring the material properties. However, a deeper understanding of the mass and charge transport properties, defect chemistry and structure property relations is a pre-condition for this purpose which is currently not met. Especially investigations on the suspected proton conductivity in these materials are lacking.

In the current project promising new compositions of A- and B-site substituted rare earth nickelates, which will be selected on the basis of structural-chemical considerations, are synthesized and characterized with respect to structure-property relationships. MUL will focus on the preparation of the materials and their characterisation with respect to phase purity, oxygen nonstoichiometry, oxygen exchange kinetics and ionic/electronic conductivities. MPI will complement these activities by the experimental determination of the oxygen and proton exchange properties of thin film electrodes and the investigation of the underlying reaction mechanisms. The jointly obtained results of MUL and MPI will be incorporated in the development of defect chemical models for the new materials, considering electronic species and O-defects as well as for the first time H-defects. The participation of ZFE allows the correlation of the mass and charge transport properties, investigated by MUL and MPI, with microstructural properties. For this purpose ZFE will perform accompanying analyses with high resolution scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) including, for the first time, in-situ TEM analyses of atomic structural changes induced by variations in the oxygen content of new rare earth nickelates. As a result of the project a knowledge basis will be created to predict the effects of specific substitutions on the structure and transport properties of rare earth nickelates and to develop new materials for future applications in the energy sector.

Financial support by the Klima- und Energiefonds within the program "Energieforschung (e!MISSION)" is gratefully acknowledged.

ASYSII (SOFC APU System Development II)


The limited life time of hydrocarbon-operated fuel cell APUs is a massive hurdle that needs to be overcome for further successful developments. Therefore, the main focus of this project is to study the basic damage processes that occur when the SOFC system is operated with hydrocarbon based fuels, as well as the development of novel technologies and materials in order to further decrease the costs and increase durability.

Persons involved

Project management: DI Jürgen Rechberger, Assoz.Prof. Dr. Edith Bucher (Project part leader MUL)

Project staff: Christian Berger, Edith Bucher, Andreas Egger, Peter Gsaxner, Martin Perz, Nina Schrödl, Werner Sitte

Period: 10/2014 - 09/2018


In almost all industrial, marine, aerospace and commercial vehicle applications, hydrocarbon-based fuels are used, since a high energy density is required. In cars, batteries or hydrogen could be used as energy carriers, but without massive technological advances these are not suitable for the above applications. For this reason it is crucial to improve the conversion efficiency of conventional fuels. The SOFC technology offers a promising solution, since SOFCs can be operated with a wide range of fuels. A main focus of the project is the systematic study of damage processes and the exploration of diagnostic approaches for their detection, as well as the validation of hydrocarbon-based SOFC systems. This will be performed under real operating conditions, in order to investigate the influence of environmental factors on the damage processes. The goal of the project is to increase the lifetime to more than 5000 hours.

At MUL new technologies and materials are explored in order to further decrease the costs and increase durability. This includes novel SOFC cathode materials and the further investigation of metal-supported SOFC cells, in cooperation with the company Plansee.

Financial support by the Austrian Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology (bmvit) within the program ‘Mobilität der Zukunft’ (project no. 845334, project title ASYSII) is gratefully acknowledged.

Hydrocell (Hydrogen Production by Solid Oxide Electrolyser Cells)


The aim of the project is to develop and design a high-temperature electrolysis system based on solid oxide electrolyser cells (SOECs). Activities are focusing on the SOEC-stack as key component as well as on the implementation of a complete SOEC-system.

Persons involved

Projectmanagement: Richard Schauperl (AVL List GmbH)
Management AP2: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Werner Sitte
Project staff: Edith Bucher, Andreas Egger, Peter Gsaxner, Wolfgang Preis, Nina Schrödl, Werner Sitte

Period: 03/2013 - 01/2016


Today’s energy supply systems are quite ineffective in dealing with highly stochastic energy production from renewable sources (wind, sun). Electrical power generation from wind turbines and solar power plants is not sufficiently predictable and options for large-scale storage of excess energy are limited with current technologies. High-temperature electrolysis offers a solution to this problem. Using water or water/CO2-mixtures, power from renewable energy sources can be transformed into chemical energy like hydrogen or synthesis gas. While H2 can be stored in the natural gas grid, chemical processing of syngas affords the production of various synthetic fuels.

In the project HydroCell a new technique of electrolysis will be investigated and implemented in a first “proof-of-concept”-system. Key component is a high-temperature electrolysis stack based on solid oxide electrolyser cells (SOECs). High-temperature electrolysis promises significantly enhanced efficiencies way above 80% and lower costs compared to conventional electrolysis technologies.

ELTSECCS (Extension of long-term stability of SOFC electrolytes, cathodes, cells, and stacks)


It is the primary aim of this project to extend the long-term stability of SOFC-systems by investigation of the degradation mechanisms of electrolyte and cathode as well as analysis and simulation of thermo-mechanical deterioration of cells and stacks.

Persons involved

Project management: Ao.Univ.-Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Preis

Project staff: Edith Bucher, Andreas Egger, Peter Gsaxner, Martin Perz, Nina Schrödl, Werner Sitte


Solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) consist of porous electrode (cathode and anode) compartments, which are separated by a dense and gas tight electrolyte layer. The chemical energy of the fuel (e.g. hydrogen, methane, biogas) can be directly converted into electricity with high efficiency. The degradation of components of a single cell as well as SOFC-stacks is an essential limiting factor for the introduction of this technology to global markets.

The present project is focused on the investigation of the degradation of SOFC components (electrolyte and cathode) as well as cells and stacks in order to elucidate the underlying mechanisms. Furthermore, novel electrolyte and cathode materials with improved properties, such as ionic conductivity and kinetics of the oxygen incorporation reaction, and extended long-term stability will be developed. Additionally, an important goal is the systematic analysis and simulation of thermo-mechanical deterioration of SOFC-stacks in order to optimize the stack-geometry and operating conditions.

Financial funding by the Klima- und Energiefonds withing the program „NEUE ENERGIEN 2020“ is gratefully acknowledged.

KATOX (Cathode materials for solid oxide fuel cells: Structure-property relations on the model of thin oxide layers)

Persons involved:

Project leader: Assoz.Prof. Dr.Edith Bucher

Project staff: Werner Sitte, Peter Gsaxner, Martin Perz

Period: 05/2010- -12/2014

Cathode materials for solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) are investigated on the model of thin oxide layers. Electrochemical measurements on the defect chemistry and oxygen exchange kinetics are performed on thin films with varying microstructure and with wide ranges of thickness (nanometer – micrometer). The analysis of structure-property-relations should yield trends for the design of high-performance cathodes – with the aim of facilitating the commercialisation of the energy efficient and environmentally friendly SOFC-technology.

RELIVE-CAT (Reliability and Lifetime Improvement of SOFC Cathodes)


Cathode materials for solid oxide fuel cells are investigated with respect to long term stability in real operating conditions. By failure analysis of degraded cathodes as well as cells models for reliability analysis and test procedures for the prediction of long term stability are developed, which will be validated by application to promising cathode materials.

Project leader: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Werner Sitte

Project staff: Edith Bucher, Andreas Egger, Wolfgang Preis, Peter Gsaxner

Period: 03/2010 - 02/2013


- AVL List GmbH Austria

- Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH Germany

Funding: Klima- und Energiefonds, vertreten durch die Österreichische Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft mbH (FFG)

Methods for interface engineering


Bestimmung der elektrischen Eigenschaften sowie Charakterisierung der Struktur und Zusammensetzung von Korngrenzen in n-leitender BaTiO3 - Keramik in Kooperation mit dem Erich-Schmid-Institut, Leoben.

Persons Involved:

Project leader: Univ.Prof. Dr. Werner Sitte, Univ.Prof. Dr. Gerhard Dehm

Project staff: Wolfgang Preis

Period: 01/2008 - 09/2011

Re-oxidation kinetics of grain boundary regions in PTC ceramics


„Re-oxidation kinetics of grain boundary regions in PTC ceramics“ (COMET K2 Center MPPE): Development of a defect chemical model for optimisation of the electrical properties of PTC ceramics.

Persons involved

Project management: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Werner Sitte, Univ.-Prof. Dr. Gerhard Dehm

Project staff: Wolfgang Preis

Period: 01/2008 - 12/2010

SOFC600 (Demonstration of SOFC stack technology for operation at 600°C)


The aim of the Integrated Project SOFC600 is the specification of stack components for operation of SOFC systems at 600°C. The major advantages of lowering the current operating temperatures (800-1000°C) to approximately 600°C are a higher lifetime at significantly lower costs. This should facilitate the commercial introduction of the clean and efficient SOFC technology for combined heat and power generation as well as APUs (Auxiliary Power Units) for transport applications.

The focus of the project is on the development of materials and components (cathodes, electrolytes, anodes) as well as processes for cost efficient production.

Further important aspects are the integration of the components in cells and the optimisation of stacks.

Details at:

Operative Project Leader: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Werner Sitte

Operative Task Leader Cathodes: Edith Bucher

Operative Task Leader Electrolytes: Wolfgang Preis

Project Staff: Min Yang, Andreas Egger, Jörg Waldhäusl, Peter Gsaxner

Optimization and Characterization of Electrolyte Materials for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells

Determination of the ionic and electronic conductivities of Gadolinium-doped Ceria.

Operative Project Leader: Wolfgang Preis

Co-operation: Materials Center Leoben

Period: 2006 – 2007

High Performance PTCs


„High Performance PTCs“ (Materials Center Leoben): Investigations on the electrical properties of bulk and grain boundaries of PTC ceramics in cooperation with Prof. R. Danzer(Institute for Structural and Functional Ceramics, University of Leoben).

Operative Projectleader: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Werner Sitte

Project Staff: Wolfgang Preis

Period: 01/2002 - 12/2005