
Head of Chair

Univ.-Prof. Mag. et Dr. rer.nat. Christoph Rameshan
Head of Chair

+43 3842 402-4800


Assoz.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. mont. Edith Bucher
Associate Professor

+43 3842 402-4813

Chemistry building 2OG - 263

Veröffentlichungen (PURE-Portal)   ORCID

Ass.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. mont. Peter Waldner
Assistant professor

+43 3842 402-4810

Chemistry building 1OG - 166

Veröffentlichungen (PURE-Portal)

Ao.Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. techn. Dr. mont. Wolfgang Preis
Associate Professor

+43 3842 402-4805

Chemistry building 2OG - 264B

Veröffentlichungen (PURE-Portal)

Professor Emeritus

Em. Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. techn. Werner Sitte

+43 3842 402-4809

Chemistry building 2OG - 267A

Senior Scientists and Post-docs

Dr. rer.nat. Thomas Cotter
Project staff

+43 3842 402-4890

Chemistry building

Dipl.-Ing. Dr. techn. Jessica Michalke
Senior Scientist

+43 3842 402 4825

Chemistry building 2OG - 272

Dipl.-Ing. Dr. techn. Thomas Ruh
Project staff

+43 3842 402 4825

Chemistry building 2OG - 272

Dipl.-Ing. Dr. mont. Andreas Egger
Senior Scientist

+43 3842 402-4814

Chemistry building 2OG - 264

Veröffentlichungen (PURE-Portal)

Mag. rer.nat. Raffael Rameshan
Senior Scientist

+43 3842 402-4806

Chemistry building 2OG - 264

PhD Students

Mehmet Aksoy, MSc
PhD Student, Project staff

+43 3842 402-4821

Chemistry building 1OG - 170A

Dipl.-Ing. Barbara Buxbaum
PhD Student, University Assistant

+43 3842 402 4812

Chemistry building 1OG - 172A

Dipl.-Ing. Lorenz Lindenthal
PhD Student, Project staff

+43 3842 402-4890

Chemistry building

Dipl.-Ing. Tobias Berger
PhD Student, University Assistant

+43 3842 402-4823

Chemistry building 1OG - 168A

Dipl.-Ing. Sarah Eisbacher-Lubensky
PhD Student, University Assistant

+43 3842 402 4804

Chemistry building 1OG - 169A

Veröffentlichungen (PURE-Portal)

Dipl.-Ing. Christina Nader
PhD Student, Project staff

+43 3842 402-4823

Chemistry building 1OG - 168A

Veröffentlichungen (PURE-Portal)



Dipl.-Ing. Florian Schrenk
PhD Student, University Assistant

+43 3842 402 4825

Chemistry building 2OG - 272

Undergraduate Student Employees

Hedda Drexler
Project staff

+43 3842 402 4804

Chemistry building 1OG - 169A

Jonathan Rollenitz, BSc
Project staff

+43 3842 402-4890

Chemistry building 2OG - 266



Martin Hatzl, BSc
Project staff

+43 3842 402-4821

Chemistry building 1OG - 170A

Laboratory Technicians

Karin Stanglauer
Laboratory assistant

+43 3842 402-4815

Chemistry building 2OG - 266

Lukas Berner
Laboratory assistant apprentice

+43 3842 402-4815

Chemistry building 2OG - 266


Hannah Hochedlinger
Office Management

+43 3842 402-4801

Chemistry building 2OG - 271A