Research group: Physical Chemistry of Solids
Head: Werner Sitte
The research activities concentrate on the Physical Chemistry of ionically conducting materials (research field ‘Solid State Ionics’) in cooperation with national and international partners. The focus is on the transport properties and defect chemistry of mixed ionic-electronic conducting materials, including surface exchange reactions and transport through grain boundaries, but also pure ionic conductors are studied. The experimental investigations are supplemented by defect chemical modelling. With respect to application, the studies deal with novel materials for electrochemical energy conversion and storage, e.g. solid oxide and protonic fuel and electrolysis cells.
Werner Sitte

Werner Sitte is Professor emeritus at the Chair of Physical Chemistry. He studied Technical Chemistry at Graz University of Technology, from where he received this Ph.D. and professional thesis (Habilitation). From 2000 to 2022 he was head of the Chair of Physical Chemistry at Montanuniversitaet Leoben. He is associate editor of the journal Solid State Ionics and author/co-author of 140 publications in peer-reviewed international scientific journals, and co-editor of two books.
Recently published:
Werner Sitte, Rotraut Merkle (Eds.) High Temperature Electrolysis – from fundamentals to applicatons, IOP Publishing (2023)